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Showing posts from October, 2020

Everything You Should Know About Title Tags and SEO In This Guideline

Content strategy and SEO strategy go hand-in-hand. We all know the importance of content in SEO; starting from title length to entire blog length, each & everything in the write-up should be carefully portrayed in a document. Today, with the guidance of   SEO Services in Dubai   it will become easy to figure out writing ‘title tags’ in such a way that help your business to grow. We all are so much concerned about titles and many types of research indicate that short titles perform better than longer ones. This could be because shorter titles can have more focused relevancy and it may earn high click-through rates than longer ones. The selection of title length, brand name, and boilerplate text is always considerable. But it is still tricky to determine if this is important things to consider for SEO or not. Where have you stopped? Boilerplate? Well, it means non-unique and standardized pieces of text that can be used as many times as you want. This includes author tags, ta...